Cell Matrix Hardware Available Online!
MOD 88 Hardware Available Online
We now have a prototype (pre-beta) version of Cell Matrix "MOD 88" hardware available for experimentation via the Web. The entry page is:
That page has links to documentation, some tutorials (also currently a preliminary version), etc. At the bottom of the page is a link to the MOD 88 page, from which you can view images of the boards (4 8x8 boards, arranged 2x2). You can also LOGIN from there, and then send commands to the boards, and see more frequent image and logfile updates.
To use this, you need a somewhat "modern" browser, with cookies enabled, JavaScript enabled, and JavaScript allowed to load pages, update images, plus the usual capabilities (if it complains about cookies the first time, try reloading it...).
Again, this is highly experimental at this time, but if you want to try it, see how it works for you, and let us know: you can contact us via
We'll be improving this feature over time – modifying the interface, probably adding more boards, etc.
API Problems
I've heard from a few people lately that the Cell Matrix Linux API gives compile errors. This seems to depend on the version of Linux being run. If you've have troubles with the API, please request a new copy from
and we'll send you the latest version.
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